
The Skyrocketing, Out-Of-Stock Raw Material Market, MIKEM Chemical's Solution for Cellulose Ethers

The Skyrocketing, Out-Of-Stock Raw Material Market, MIKEM Chemical's Solution for Cellulose Ethers

This year’s “good start” is earlier than usual and even more prosperous. It will take time for US crude oil production facilities and refineries that have been damaged by icy weather to resume normal operations. The price of international crude oil has risen, and the costs of other chemical products have also risen accordingly. Affected by the epidemic from 2020, the prices of some raw materials have not only doubled and increased, but the entire industry is also out of stock. . . . . .

In this “prosperous” raw material market, as a chemical group integrating R&D, production and sales of cellulose ethers, MIKEM CHEMICAL LTD. CO. (hereinafter referred to as MIKEM chemical) chose to return to its true enlightenment, specialize in product research, and make its subsidiaries MelaColl cellulose ether products not only significantly improve their cost performance but also have an economical and convenient operation.

Recently, the MelaColl team held an emergency meeting to address the skyrocketing cellulose ether raw materials and even out of stock and gave solutions to ease the urgent needs of customers.

The MelaColl team proposed the following solutions:

First, for ceramic tile adhesive products, products with different prices are launched: economical and premium.

Second, launch new products with better operational performance and extend the opening hours.

MPT4000SL/MPT5000SL: The product has been surface-treated and can be directly dissolved in cold water without forming agglomerates. Simultaneously, we have also extended its opening hours, making it more convenient for operation and construction.

This product is specially designed for emulsion-based building materials, including ready-to-use joint fillers and emulsion-based tile adhesives. Our MelaColl products can provide excellent performance of emulsion-based building products in the following aspects:

  • Improved water retention
  • Improved thickening efficiency
  • Improved adhesion effect
  • Improved open time
  • Improved workability
  • Improved sag and crack resistance

MIKEM’s application laboratory will jointly develop the most suitable products for customers. During R&D, we will directly apply customer formulas to related fields, which reduces the workload of customers and makes our R&D genuinely based on customer needs.

In response to the sudden surge in the raw material market, MIKEM Chemical can provide customers with solutions in time, which is inseparable from the preparation efforts made in 2020. From hardware to software, from external to internal, to cope with the emergencies in 2021, and to achieve a breakthrough result, we must make a comprehensive improvement.

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